On December 2nd, we participated in the Annual Santa Clause Parade in Fort McMurray. It’s one thing to say we’re going to enter a float in the parade, but an incredible amount of work goes on behind the scenes to pull this off seamlessly.

Leading the charge for this event was Ashley Rogers, who coordinated all the moving pieces along with Paula Payne. Of course, we also have to recognize our maintenance team – Chris Thor, Darcy Latham and Gareth Jack for masterminding ways of making sure nothing falls off while in transit. 

We would not have been able to successfully pull this all off without our wonderful driver Kadafi and the walkers – Dean Chappelle, Anne Marie Burke, Jean Paul Dingle, Christian Sacro, Lucas Michon, and Ashley Rogers, along with the help of their families. Thank you for representing Diversified in the Santa Clause parade and making it such a wonderful success!