On October 24th, Diversified attended the State of the Province Hydrogen Luncheon, which was hosted by the Edmonton Region Hydrogen Hub. 

The Edmonton Region Hydrogen Hub was launched by The Transition Accelerator in 2021 and is an alliance of government, Indigenous, academic, and economic development leaders working together to implement a regional hydrogen economy and position the Edmonton region, Alberta, and Canada for long-term economic success in the clean energy future.

The Edmonton Region Hydrogen HUB serves as a blueprint for creating a regional hydrogen economy that can be replicated in other regions across the country.

This event brought together industry, government officials, Indigenous leaders, and civil society to celebrate Alberta’s thriving hydrogen economy and its enormous achievements to date.

It was great to hear the sector-specific progress updates from the City of Edmonton, ATCO, and the AMTA, including addresses from Premier Danielle Smith and Edmonton’s Mayor Sohi.

It was an especially proud moment when a City of Edmonton official acknowledged our General Manager, David Richards, for informing him about how Hydrogen Dual Fuel technology could be utilized in retrofitting existing city transit vehicles at a fraction of the cost of replacement vehicles.

This type of collaboration between private industry and every level of government is a prime example of why the Edmonton Region Hydrogen Hub is so important to the growth of clean energy.